1234yf Replacement A/C Stop Leak
1234yf A/C Stop Leak seals leaks permanently in metal and rubber parts, including evaporators, condensers, driers, O-rings, and
gasket joints. Improves system efficiency and prevents future leaks. Safe for all systems and will not clog or restrict flow.
PRODUCT SIZE 114 g / 4 oz
UPC NUMBER 060480 458319
emzone® A/C STOP LEAK has been formulated to quickly seal leaks in metal components including condensers, evaporators and hoses.
DIRECTIONS: A/C System should be sufficiently charged and compressor engaged before installing product.
1. Shake can well.
2. Connect tap end of recharge hose to can.
3. Connect recharge hose to low side pressure service port.
4. Start engine and turn A/C to maximum cooling.
5. Ensure compressor is running and invert can.
6. Open valve of recharge hose and install contents into A/C system.
7. Remove recharge hose and check system for leaks.
See User Reference Guide for additional information and details.
DO NOT connect to high pressure side of system as can may burst.
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